Map - Solymár

Solymár (Schaumar) is an urban village in northwest of Budapest metropolitan area, bordering the 3rd and 2nd districts of the city, as well as Nagykovácsi, Pilisszentiván, Pilisvörösvár, Csobánka, Pilisborosjenő, and Üröm. Its picturesque surroundings (hills to the south and east, the highest point is Zsíroshegy at 424m) and good accessibility the 64, 64A, 164, 264, 157 and 964 city buses from Hűvösvölgy, 218 from Óbuda, a train from Budapest Nyugati, and coaches from Árpád-híd) made it a desirable destination for affluent city-dwellers moving to suburban homes outside of Budapest from the mid-1990s.

The name of the village is first mentioned in a charter by Béla IV dated 5 May 1266, as Solomar. The most likely etymology of the name is Hungarian solymár (more commonly solymász): ‘falconer’, i.e., the place where the royal falconers live. (Several neighbouring villages were named similarly.) The village prospered during the following centuries and probably hosted a royal hunting castle (Szarkavár), which burnt down after 1561. The advance of the Ottoman Empire left the village deserted after 1580.

The village was uninhabited until the first new settlers arrived around 1700; first Serbians and Bulgarians migrated from the south, to escape the withdrawing Ottoman forces. Soon afterward came Bavarian immigrants, recruited by the monarchy from Habsburg and similar southern provinces along the Danube. The Crown paid their transportation and assisted in their getting settled in Hungary; the newcomers were promised they could retain their language and religion (generally Roman Catholic). The monarchy wanted to resettle the area and knew the Germans could restore farmlands along the Danube. Because the settlers continued to speak a form of German and maintained their cultural and religious traditions, they were called die Donauschwaben (Danube Swabians). Their descendants, who were citizens of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and succeeding governments, later formed the great majority of the population in this area and called the village Schaumar in German. During World War II, Adolf Hitler appealed to ethnic Germans in other countries, no matter how long they had resided there. In some areas, ethnic Germans supported his program, but in many cases had loyalty to where they were living. Because part of the Nazi rationale for war was to unite all ethnic Germans and oppress and exterminate other populations, many eastern European countries, such as Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Union, expelled ethnic Germans after the war. About half the population of Solymár was deported to Germany in 1946 as a collective punishment as part of that massive displacement. More than 330 households in Solymár were vacated.

The empty houses were occupied by ethnic Hungarians relocated from other parts of the country (mainly Mezőkövesd), as well as refugees from Transylvania. In later years, ethnic Hungarians deported from Czechoslovakia arrived. Together with the large-scale migration of people from Budapest in the past decades of suburbanization, ethnic Germans have become a minority of the population. Since 1990 the deportation has been commemorated; a memorial was installed at Templom tér.

Map - Solymár
Google Earth - Map - Solymár
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Solymár
Map - Solymár - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Solymár - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Solymár - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Solymár - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Solymár - OpenTopoMap
Map - Solymár - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Solymár - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Solymár - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Solymár - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Solymár - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Hungary
Flag of Hungary
Hungary (Magyarország ) is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Spanning 93030 km2 of the Carpathian Basin, it is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east and southeast, Serbia to the south, Croatia and Slovenia to the southwest, and Austria to the west. Hungary has a population of 9.7 million, mostly ethnic Hungarians and a significant Romani minority. Hungarian, the official language, is the world's most widely spoken Uralic language and among the few non-Indo-European languages widely spoken in Europe. Budapest is the country's capital and largest city; other major urban areas include Debrecen, Szeged, Miskolc, Pécs, and Győr.

The territory of present-day Hungary has for centuries been a crossroads for various peoples, including Celts, Romans, Germanic tribes, Huns, West Slavs and the Avars. The foundation of the Hungarian state was established in the late 9th century AD with the conquest of the Carpathian Basin by Hungarian grand prince Árpád. His great-grandson Stephen I ascended the throne in 1000, converting his realm to a Christian kingdom. By the 12th century, Hungary became a regional power, reaching its cultural and political height in the 15th century. Following the Battle of Mohács in 1526, it was partially occupied by the Ottoman Empire (1541–1699). Hungary came under Habsburg rule at the turn of the 18th century, later joining with the Austrian Empire to form Austria-Hungary, a major power into the early 20th century.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
HUF Hungarian forint Ft 2
ISO Language
HU Hungarian language
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Austria 
  •  Croatia 
  •  Romania 
  •  Serbia 
  •  Slovakia 
  •  Slovenia 
  •  Ukraine